Looking for a unique gift or memorial for a passed pet? Our little shop showcases custom made items by our owner!

You can also buy gift cards right at the shop – Print or Email them!


Send a Tip or Pay!

Invoices are sent to your email via SQUARE and from Please message us on Time to Pet or shoot us a text at
414-324-9380 if you need yours resent!



For TIPPING, our software calculates the amount of time any caretaker has spent and divides the tip based on that amount of time. Day Care & boarding employees also receive the tips the same way, based on time spent with your pet(s).
You can message us on Time to Pet or text us at 414-324-9380 for a separate SQUARE invoice for your tips OR just bump on our shop & buy a gift certificate to PET SITTERS and send to 🙂

Thank you for the extra support!